10 Remedies Our Experts Use to Help Release Everyday Stress

The 10 Best Remedies for Everyday Stress Relief

For some people, it’s an everyday feeling of constant stress and anxiety, while for others, it comes in waves. There are a lot of different things that can lead to stress which, as a result, has an effect on the body’s overall health.

10 Remedies to Help You Cope With Stress


Using the concept of slow and paced breathing is one of the quickest ways to relax your body and mind. It can automatically cause a decrease in your elevated blood pressure along with your heart rate. There is a specific breathing yoga technique that is said to be very effective called the Pranayama, which requires inhaling and exhaling through one nostril, keeping the other closed.

best remedies for everyday stress relief - slow and paced breathing

Physical Activities

A change of scenery is always beneficial when you need some distraction. So, if you’re feeling stressed out for whatever reasons, then go ahead and take a stroll at your nearest park for a while to refresh your mind. You can also opt for cycling or going to the gym to feel better. It’s a known fact that your stress levels are bound to be significantly reduced by performing aerobic exercise.

Improve Your Diet

It may surprise you, but diet actually has a huge impact on our day-to-day health, physical and mental. For example, those who eat mostly highly processed food or an extra amount of sugars are likely to experience a higher stress level than those with a well-balanced diet. On the other hand, food that can help elevate mood includes fatty fish that contain Omega-3 fatty acids, dark chocolate, oats, berries, nuts, coffee, etc.

Listen to Music

Music is something that helps everyone go to their private peaceful mental zone. So, it should shock you that your favorite music can help lower down your stress levels. But, if music isn’t your thing, you can play nature sounds such as the ocean waves that’ll help take your mind off things.


We know getting the patience for meditation can be difficult; however, if you manage to do that, then know it’s definitely one of the best measures to relieve your stress with! Don’t know where to start? Try downloading a basic app such as ‘Mindfulness’ and get started in minutes with some basic exercises.

Talking with Family and Friends

A great way to relax Is to surround yourself with people you love and are comfortable with. After a long day at work, you should sit with your friends or family who are good listeners to vent out any frustrations you have stored inside of you or share some jokes to lighten yourself up. If you’re more of a pet person, cuddle up with your furry friends instead.


In today’s busy world, we forget to take time out for ourselves, which is essential to stay sane. So, take time out where you give yourself all the attention by either reading a good book, making yourself a nice bath, going to the beach, etc.


There are many essential oils that promote stress-relieving scents, such as lavender, vetiver, bergamot, which are known to boost up moods and create a calming environment overall.

Remove Caffeine

Caffeine is a stimulant found in beverages such as coffee and energy drinks. An excess of this stimulant can result in worsened anxiety, so it’s better to use it only in moderation. But make sure you don’t quit cold turkey, or caffeine withdrawal could produce opposite effects.


Some stressful situations are under your control, and you can take the wheels of it by learning how to say no when you already have your plate full.

Best Stress Relievers – Recommended by Our Experts:

Josh Dudick

Josh is the owner and lead writer at Daily Wisely. His career has taken him from finance to blogging, and now shares his insights with readers of Daily Wisely.

Josh's work and authoritative advice have appeared in major publications like Nasdaq, Forbes, The Sun, Yahoo! Finance, CBS News, Fortune, The Street, MSN Money, and Go Banking Rates. Josh has over 15 years of experience on Wall Street, and currently shares his financial expertise in investing, wealth management, markets, taxes, real estate, and personal finance on his other website, Top Dollar Investor.

Josh graduated from Cornell University with a degree from the Dyson School of Applied Economics & Management at the SC Johnson College of Business.